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Holly week is a special time we have as Catholic people in Guatemala to commemorate Jesus's death and passion but mainly to reinforce our faith in his resurrection. Most of us used to go to processions, do carpets, have special meals, such as torrejas, bu帽uelos, etc., gather with family members, go on family trips, etc. 

The Pandemic has changed some of our customs and traditions in this memorable period, but still, we continue having that special feeling and willing to live it as best as we can.
Personally, I used to see all the processions on Good Friday with my family and we used to return at 2:00 a.m., also, we used to do a very large carpet in front of our house on Holy Saturday to receive Resurrected Jesus' procession. 
Now, I would like to know about you, what you used to do for Holy Week?


  1. We used to go to some processions and stay at home.

  2. I used to go to the beach, to eat bacalao, and also went to church some days.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I used to go on vacation. -Sofia Bilbao

  5. Paula Morales: With my family we usually made a carpet for the procession of Cristo Rey.

  6. We used to go to the beach or to Antigua Guatemala. -Isabella Z煤帽iga

  7. usually, I kidnap my cousin Camila and spend the week with her or we go to Panajachel

  8. I use to go to Antigua or to the beach- Valentina Godoy

  9. Jimena Cabrera: Me and my family, we used to go on a trip to Antigua Guatemala to see the processions and the beautiful carpets they made. But now, I think I will pass Holy Week with my cousin and my family at home. Maybe go to Antigua, but taking the necessary preventions.

  10. We used to go to some processions and we also used to go to the beach. (Karen Galicia)

  11. We go to my grandparents' house or we are going to visit some other relative, but sometimes we also stay at home. - Alejandra Valladares

  12. I used to go to the irtra de reu with my family

  13. We went to Antigua Guatemala to see the processions or went on a trip to tourist places in Guatemala that we did not yet know.

  14. We Guatemalans are very believers in God, holy week is a very happy week since we are going to see the prosecutions but as in the pandemic we cannot, we will have to stay at home

  15. Cristal Cord贸n.
    I used to go to a procession with my cousins, we'd also set up a pool in my house and spend it playing there.


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