
Let's talk about our mom...

  No matter the age we have... we will always need our mom...💕👩 Our mom is the most important person in everybody's life. She is the one that raised us and lighted our path since we were born. She is our missing puzzle piece and thanks to her we are what we are, think, desire, and will be in the future.  One of the most memorable moments I remember with my mom is when she used to prepare those special meals when we used to go on a trip, also I deeply remember when she used to talk with me for long hours in my bedroom... Today I am so glad to be her daughter and I am very thankful to her for everything, I love her from the bottom of my heart. Now I would like you to share with us a special memory you have about your mom, we will be glad to read them.


  T o describe ourselves is something essential we must know how to do or respond, especially if it is in a different language, but even, when we do it in our native language it is too complicated. Our personalities can change depending on our experiences, circumstances, age, and other factors or not as well. Personally, I consider myself as a confident, cheerful, hard-working, and empathic person. Now is your turn, please describe yourself mainly using positive personality adjectives, use at least 5 words to do it, do not forget to write your name. 😎


  💜  💜  Holly week is a special time we have as Catholic people in Guatemala to commemorate Jesus's death and passion but mainly to reinforce our faith in his resurrection. Most of us used to go to processions, do carpets, have special meals, such as torrejas, buñuelos, etc., gather with family members, go on family trips, etc.  The Pandemic has changed some of our customs and traditions in this memorable period, but still, we continue having that special feeling and willing to live it as best as we can. Personally, I used to see all the processions on Good Friday with my family and we used to return at 2:00 a.m., also, we used to do a very large carpet in front of our house on Holy Saturday to receive Resurrected Jesus' procession.  Now, I would like to know about you, what you used to do for Holy Week?